Molly Halliday

Dear All,

It is with great sadness and with
a heavy heart that we are contacting you with the news that our gorgeous Molly
suddenly passed away on Saturday, 8
th December 2018, aged 11. She came into our family when we
adopted her in May 2009 and for the 9 years she was with us she showered us
with unconditional love, fun and affection.

When she first arrived with us
she was so timid and scared to do any wrong but it soon became clear that she knew this was going to be her forever home and put full trust in us all.

Molly’s confidence continued to grow over the years and she soon began to rule the house. She knew all she needed to do was look up with those big brown eyes that you could not refuse.

Molly was never alone and joined us on many trips around the country. She loved nothing more than to be off the lead free, with a ball in her mouth. Whether that be a walk on the beach in North Devon, swimming in the river at Bolton Abbey or running through swamps up on the moorlands.

Even up until the day she left us she was still a playful little pup and we are just grateful that she never had to suffer. It was a great honour and privilege to be able to offer her the opportunity to have a second chance in life which she grasped with all four paws! Our beautiful little princess leaves us but the memories will stay with us forever.

Thank you NWESSR.

Kind regards

Stuart, Christine, Rachel and Matthew Halliday

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