

We are writing to let you know that our beloved Jake crossed the rainbow bridge on the 27th June 2018.

 We adopted him on the 19th April 2012, aged 7 ish, after visiting him in the kennels in Warrington. We looked into his beautiful eyes and that was it, he was coming home with us. The photo attached was taken just a few weeks after he arrived home and sums him up because he was ball mad, particularly pink ones!

 Jake had his health issues, colitis, arthritis, bronchitis and a heart murmur but with the superb care and attention from our vet, we had six amazing years with him.

 Over the last few months he began to slow down and then his balance started to go. He looked at us with those beautiful eyes as if to say he was ready to go. Our vet came to the house and his passing was quiet and calm.

We can not thank you enough for letting us adopt our wonderful boy, who we miss terribly.

Thank you again.

Melanie and Andy Brookes

(Formerly Anderson)

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