
Connie 3rd June 2006 to 15th June 2018.

 Connie, with her daughter Polly, came to us on 19th May 2012. A routine anal gland examination in May 2013 found a minute lump. This was removed and a course of chemotherapy followed.

She sailed through this with no side effects and was given 18 months to 2  years to live. In March 2018 the cancer returned unknown to us. The lump was huge along her spine, aorta and abdomen.

She was given painkillers which worked and she became her usual lively self. She continued to walk up to 5 miles a day, on the lead as she had a tendency to run off. Overnight on 14th June, the lump shifted and burst and she had internal bleeding. We had to say goodbye.

 Connie was the most gentle, loving dog.  She always wanted to jump on my lap for a cuddle. When they  came to us we didn’t  realise the freedom they had had in Ireland and expected here! After Connie had  run off 20 times( always returning a few hours later) we had to keep her on the lead. 

She still got her long walks, as did we! She had a great sense of humour and would take my shoes into the garden often placing the side by side correctly. She was clever girl. We were grateful for those extra unexpected 3 years we had with her. Even her oncologist was amazed. But we miss her.

 Caroline Cliffe .

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